I’m New

I’m New to Redeemer

When you visit us for the first time you will be greeted at the door by a Redeemer member or family.  In our worship service, your bulletin will serve as your guide to the order of the service, which includes the hymns/songs, the readings and the sermon topic and is very user-friendly.

In the pew you will find our Lutheran hymnal and a Bible for your use during the worship service.    The membership/guest cards will be in the pews for us to learn more about you.  On the card, you can fill out your name and address and a place where you can indicate if you are first time visitor.  Make sure to use the Visitor side of the card.

At the conclusion of our services you will find a pastor at both exits greeting the congregation.   Please introduce yourself and take an information packet that is filled with information to give you a snapshot of Redeemer.

Don’t forget to stop in during coffee hour that is offered between the 9:00 and 10:30 am services.  It’s a great place to meet new people and observe the friendly, relaxed camaraderie that is enjoyed by Redeemer’s congregation.  We are looking forward to you joining us.

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