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Kamp Dates: August 3-9, 2025
Important Dates to Remember:
- Week of March 1, 2025: Registration begins for Redeemer Members & Returning camp families ONLY
- April 1, 2025: Registration is open for all!
- May 15, 2025: Early bird registration ends. Make sure to register and pay on or before this date in order to receive the discount.
- July 1, 2025: all payment and money must be received by this date. Registrations that are not complete on or before this date are subject to cancellation and your spot may be filled by a camper off the waitlist.
Registration Costs for 2025:
The registration fee includes: all meals & snacks, all camp activities (except for the Ropes Course), and a kamp t-shirt.
- Early Bird* Registration: $525.00 ($515.00 if paying cash/check)*
- Full Price Registration: $540.00 ($540.00 if paying cash/check)*
- Ropes Course (7-9 grade): $40.00 (Optional).**
**PLEASE NOTE – Ropes course is for 7th-9th grade ONLY and all campers must be able to reach 60″ off the ground with arms extended above their head**
EARLYBIRD: This discount is available if you register and pay in full on or Before May 15. (If you are mailing payment it must be postmarked by May 15). If you mail in the payment and fail to give yourself the discount we will not refund any monies for that purpose.
CASH/CHECK : You can pay online with a credit card at the time of registration. if you wish to still pay by check or cash directly to Redeemer we offer a $10.00 discount off your Kamp tuition. This does not apply to explorer registration. Discount only applies to payments made directly to Redeemer by way of check or cash. If you fail to apply the $10.00 discount when you pay for Kamp, we will not refund the $10.00.
CAMPERSHIPS: We do not want anyone to miss out on the awesome life changing experience of camp. Financial assistance is available – Please reach out to us at redeemerkamp@gmail.com or call Camp Director, Tim Springer, at 248-930-2215 to discuss financial assistance.
Explorer Program
When space permits we do offer a half-week option for campers entering 3rd or 4th grade. (3rd and 4th grade campers may also register for the full week if they wish). This allows campers to give Kamp a test run and stay for 2 nights. See our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information. We give preference to full-week campers and only bring on explorer campers if we do not reach capacity. Campers wishing to register as an explorer will initially be placed on a waitlist and we will take explorers off the waitlist as space permits. The explorer program costs $325.00 for the half week. There are no eligible discounts for the explorer program. If you have any questions about this program please contact us.
Click here to be placed on the Waitlist: Explorer Waitlist Form
Registration Instructions
Registration from March 1-31 is for Redeemer Members and returning Kamp families only!
If you have any questions about Kamp or registration or pricing please contact: Erin Springer, Kamp registrar (248-770-2999 or redeemerkamp@gmail.com).
EXPLORERS: If you wish to register a 3rd or 4th grader or the half-week option, fill out the Explorer waitlist form
EVERYONE ELSE: All campers entering 3rd grade-9th grader are eligible to register for the full-week program. All registration takes place online. Payment may be made online
Click on the “register now” button below and you will be directed to the online registration form.
- You will have to fill out the form completely before you can submit.
- You will need to fill out one form for each child you are registering.
- You will be prompted to register your child for KID KAMP (3rd-6th grade) or KAT KAMP (7th-9th grade) depending on their grade level (it is based on the grade they will enter in Fall 2025). This is just how we break down ages at Kamp – everyone attends the same week at the same time!
- You may save your progress on the form to complete it at a later time. Once you hit save it will prompt you to create a jotform account and then email you a link so you can complete the form later.
Before completing the registration form you will select one of the following payment options:
- Online payment via paypal or Credit Card
- If you select this option you will see a list of costs to choose from. You will then choose “Paypal Checkout” at the end. You will be redirected to paypal to complete payment.
- Once you are in paypal you can either login to your paypal account or select “Pay with Credit Card” which does not require a paypal account
- We are using paypal to process all our credit card payments but you DO NOT need a paypal account to pay online.
- Cash/Check – if you make this selection, then you will submit the form with no payment made.
- Please immediately send payment to Redeemer via cash or check following the instructions on the registration form.
- Your registration is not considered complete until you have submitted payment.
- You may give your self a $10.00 cash discount when you mail in payment to redeemer directly via cash or check
- if you mail in payment and fail to give yourself any discounts we will not refund payment for this reason.
- If you choose to pay via paypal or credit card at the time you submit your registration it requires you to make the full payment. If you need to delay payment or make payment in installments please choose “Pay by check or cash” and submit the form with no payment. contact us to make payment arrangements.
- All accounts must be paid in full no later than July 1 (Unless other arrangements have been made BEFORE this date). Registrations that are not paid in full on or before July 1 are subject to cancellation.
- You will receive an immediate email from the following email address: Redeemer Summer Kamp noreply@jotform.com
- All campers fully registered by June 1st will receive an email in early June with further information about Kamp (kamp policies, packing list, etc.. .) as well as instructions to complete the online medical forms that are required for Kamp. All forms and payment are due by July 1st. Registrations that are not complete by this date are subject to cancellation.
Our complete refund policy is included on the registration form. Please make sure to review the policy before making any payments to us.